
MAG Program Updates – August 2022

8 August 2022

MAG is taking the time to settle down with the new Provincial pathways that were released earlier this month.

In the meantime….

Did You Know?

Gymnastics skills are named after the first person to successfully complete it during a FIG sanctioned event. What an honour!

The skills must be a C value or higher.

If you look at the Code of Points in the Vault section, you will notice the “Shewfelt“.  This skill is named after Alberta athlete and Olympic Gold Medallist, Kyle Shewfelt, for doing a Yurchenko 2 and a half during the 2000 Olympic Games in Sydney, Australia.

The sport has been changing so quickly, with new skills every year; but even after 22 years, the only improvement to Kyle’s impressive skill is another half a twist (180 degrees). This truly showcases the talent Kyle had!